Book Spotlight: Aging with Grace and Power by Julie S. Ross The purpose of the e-book is to take care and address the physical needs; while the COURSE will be assisting you in taking care of your spiritual needs. ◆ We will begin the COURSE by exploring the pains and challenges of aging, followed by

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Book Spotlight: The Five Wild Sons of Randolph Ranch BOOK 6-12 Box Set: Clean Cowboy Romance by Terri Grace *** 7 Amazing Standalone Stories From The Bestselling Randolph Ranch Romance Series*** Abner Randolph schemed to find good wives for his five sons but never expected that they would turn the tables on him! This sweeping,

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Book Spotlight: Do Eu ao Nós. Vencendo a Baixa Autoestima e Estabelecendo Vínculos Saudáveis by Cristiane de Paula Do Eu ao Nós: Vencendo a Baixa Autoestima e Estabelecendo Vínculos Saudáveis” é um guia prático que explora a jornada de superação da baixa autoestima e construção de relacionamentos saudáveis. Com insights psicológicos e exercícios, o livro

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