Flash Burnoutby L.K. Madigan Book Summary:She flips through the photos, her face impassive.  “Too bad about the flash burnout on this one.” I look over at the shot she’s indicating. “The what?” “The flash burnout.  You got too close to the subject.  So the flash overexposed her.  Well, me, I mean.”15-year-old Blake is a pretty normal guy living

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 The Liar Society Blog Tour I am so happy to be able to host Ohio authors Lisa and Laura Roecker on the blog today!  They are the authors of a super fun mystery called The Liar Society which takes place in a fictional prep school called Pemberly Brown. I loved the spunk of the main character, Kate

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The Cardturnerby Louis SacharBook SummaryThis is very embarrassing.  Have you ever been in a situation where you’ve been with someone for a while and you don’t know that person’s name?  It’s too late to ask, but you know the longer you go without asking, the more awkward it will become.  So even though you feel

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 A Northern Lightby Jennifer DonnellyBook SummaryRight now I want a word that describes the feeling that you get – a cold, sick feeling deep down inside – when you know something is happening that will change you, and you don’t want it to, but you can’t stop it.  And you know, for the first time,

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Janeby April Lindner Book SummaryLove had snuck up on me, and now I could hardly imagine a time when I hadn’t treasured his wry smile, his smoky eyes, his broad shoulders, his voice and its distinct, sandpapery edge.  If only I could regain my indifference, but I doubted I could ever get it back. After her

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Amy and Roger’s Epic Detourby Morgan MatsonBook Summary“Tomorrow will be better.”“But what if it’s not?” I asked.“Then you say it again tomorrow. Because it might be. You never know, right? At some point, tomorrow will be better.”Amy Curry doesn’t recognize herself anymore.  After the tragic death of her father, Amy and her family are lost

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